Trademark Clearinghouse

We're Ready to Help You.

What is the TMCH?

More than 70 new domain name extensions have launched so far and several hundred more extensions will launch over the next few years. ICANN built the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH)—a single global repository for authenticated registered trademarks—to help protect brand owners and their IP rights as they relate to domain names. The TMCH offers registered trademark holders a solution—to help safeguard their rights and simplify participation during the multiple pre-registration (Sunrise) launch periods for each New gTLD.

What Brand Owners Need To Know.

• Any trademark holder, private person, or company can submit their trademark to the Clearinghouse via a fast track process.

• After verification, the trademark holder will be able to register corresponding domain name(s) during the multiple pre-registration (Sunrise) periods for new gTLDs.

• As a trademark holder, you can opt to receive notification when/if someone attempts to register a domain name that matches your record in the TMCH for up to 90 days after Sunrise.

• Trademark owners can add up to 50 variations that are similar to each valid submission in the TMCH—within the notification process—provided that the variant of the mark was awarded to the trademark holder in a prior UDRP case.

• For any trademark/brand owner wanting to participate in the new gTLD Sunrise phase(s), the TMCH will enable quick, efficient validation of your trademark information in a centralized repository.

• Use of the TMCH is not mandatory, but doing so will significantly streamline the registration process during Sunrise—recording your trademark/brand in the TMCH now is similar to pre-validation.

• The TMCH will remain operational throughout the entire new gTLD expansion.

• The TMCH will accept, authenticate, and verify any registered trademarks.

• Registrations are 1, 3 or 5 years and are renewable.

• The TMCH will not accept IP rights that cannot be represented within the Domain Name System (DNS).

The TMCH is meant to save trademark/brand owners time and money—and give you more control during the new gTLD expansion.

Gesloten Domain is a registered agent in the Trademark Clearinghouse. We will work hand in hand with our current clients (and other IP rights holders) to protect your interests and to ensure that you and your company are prepared for the new gTLD expansion.

To find out more, please Contact Us.

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