Domain Renewal

Domain Renewal

Select Auto-Renew to Protect Your Portfolio.

When managing a large portfolio of domain names, the ongoing administration of hundreds or thousands of names can often be complex. Since each domain registration must be renewed prior to its individual expiration date, it is easy to inadvertently overlook a renewal date. With the Gesloten Domain Auto-Renew feature, you can rest assured that you will not lose your domain name(s) as a result of an unanticipated expiration. This service gives you a safety net as well as the ability to manage your domain portfolio with greater ease.

Why Is On Time Renewal So Important?

Domain registration is the licensed right to use a domain name during the paid registration period. If you fail to renew your domain name, it could be costly to retrieve the name or may even become registered to someone else, like a competitor or domain speculator, thus lost forever.

How Can You Take Advantage of Auto-Renew?

If you are currently a Gesloten Domain customer and you would like to ensure that domains in your account are flagged for auto-renewal, please contact your Gesloten Domain account manager. If you would like to renew a specific domain name immediately, you may login to your Gesloten Domain account, select “Domain Management” under the “My IDP” menu and then select “Domain Renewals” to access the Domain Renewal process.

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